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You must read and acknowledge the following code of conduct before being allowed to participate in our forums in any way. By selecting "I agree" you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement in its entirety and by all portions thereof individually.


1. Material on Cessna Advanced Aircraft Club (CAAC) is provided without representation or warranty as to the suitability or appropriateness of any opinion, recommendation, or suggestion contained therein. Cessna aircraft are certified and regulated by the FAA and equivalent governmental regulating bodies around the world. Operation and modification of these aircraft except as specifically allowed by these bodies is not advised and potentially in violation of law. Cessna aircraft should always be operated in accordance with the Approved Flight Manual, the manufacturer's instructions and governmental regulations. CAAC does not recommend operating or altering the aircraft in any manner which deviates from the above or which could impair safety of flight. Before taking any action based upon anything contained in the above media, it is essential that you seek approval from the manufacturer, the appropriate certifying body, your A&P or CFI. The Pilot in Command is always ultimately responsible for the safe operation of any aircraft. As a user of this web site, you expressly acknowledge the above.

2. CAAC does not preview or approve content for posting. We accept no liability for content posted on our forums, and reserve the right to remove any content we deem to be inappropriate. Your participation also grants CAAC immunity from all litigation for comments made by others, which you deem to be damaging, misleading, or in any way defamatory.


4. Contributions on the CAAC Forums, including (but not limited to) contributions by CAAC officers, board members, and volunteers, are the opinion and responsibility of the individual author. No statement should be construed to be the official position of CAAC itself, unless explicitly stated.

5. Participants additionally agree to comply with the in-force Online Media Usage Policy, which may be revised from time to time.

ONLINE MEDIA USAGE POLICY As specified in the Terms of Use, participants agree to comply with this policy, which may be revised from time to time.


CAAC strives to provide a constructive environment for discussion of the ownership, operation, and enjoyment of Cessna aircraft, in accordance with our mission statement. Above all, we are committed to the safe operation of Cessna aircraft. We present information via our website to promote discussion among, and for the entertainment of our members. Naturally, we want members to find the CAAC forum and membership useful and enjoyable.

This policy describes a standard of behavior intended to improve the online experience for all CAAC members. By and large, they are based on commonsense notions of good manners and mutual respect. Naturally, we recognize that online interaction brings up unique problems, problems that, for instance, are not seen in face to face interactions. When conflicts arise, we rely foremost on our members' goodwill and good sense to maintain decorum. The guidelines form a basis for adjudicating the more resistant issues. Keep in mind though, as with all participatory media, the ultimate nature of the online experience depends on you: CAAC members and contributors.


1. CAAC participatory media (forums, wikis, blogs, etc.) are designed for the exchange of, and the debating of ideas. Personal attacks ("flaming") are not tolerated. Personal attacks are defined as any attempt to short-circuit the debate by diverting attention to the shortcomings of the other parties in the debate rather than their arguments. We encourage you to challenge other points of view but please do so in a respectful and thoughtful manner. Think before clicking on the "send" button: is this something you'd say in person to a colleague?

2. CAAC materials are often read by families of members. Explicit, obscene or vulgar language is not appropriate and CAAC may remove any material containing such language. Similarly, writings that solicit or offer (whether directly or implicitly) sexually explicit, X-rated, or similar "family unfriendly" content may be deleted without notice.

3. As a matter of policy, CAAC does not preview or approve member content. However, your participation grants CAAC the right to modify, or delete, material to conform to these guidelines. For instance, a misplaced post will be relocated to the appropriate forum without notice.

Intellectual property

4. Member contributions are intended to be shared within CAAC. Do not copy, reproduce, or post them outside the CAAC community without express permission from CAAC or the author.

5. Do not publish copyrighted materials on CAAC unless you are the copyright holder. Examples include photographs, news articles, etc. If you don't own it, post or embed a link to the content but do not copy or upload it.

6. By contributing material to CAAC online media, you (1) represent that the content of your post is your own material and you have the right to post it, and (2) you grant a nonexclusive license to CAAC to reproduce your material in any manner it sees fit, in any media or form, including the right to edit or alter your material without limitation. For example, the material you submit may used alone or be combined with other material and reproduced on a website, in a magazine article or in any other media. CAAC has no obligation to attribute the content to you in any such reproduction.

Forum posting best practices

7. Use meaningful subjects. Make it easy for readers to decide whether or not to read your post. Subjects like "Need help" or "Look at this!", or any that are intentionally vague in order to attract attention, are considered bad form.

8. Post in the appropriate forum. Read the forum descriptions and choose the forum appropriate to your topic. Posts placed in the incorrect forum may be relocated without notice. Individual forums may have additional guidelines.

9. Avoid duplicate posts on the same issue. Post your message only once in the most appropriate forum. The desire to reach the largest possible audience is not a valid reason to clutter up the forums. Essentially duplicate posts and the associated thread may be removed without notice.

10. Provocative political commentary not relating to the ownership or operation of Cessna aircraft don't belong on the forums. If you post this type of material in the forums you risk having your post removed.

11. Use private messaging or email for personal messages. You may be pleased to see one of your friends post after a long absence. A forum message such as "Hey Vlad, long time no see! How are things with the family?" does not add meaningfully to the discussion. Send Vlad an email or a private message instead.

12. Posts that constitute advertising, of either personal or business nature, must be made on the Marketplace forum. When a thread becomes predominantly marketing-oriented, perhaps due to participation of a vendor, it may be relocated to the Marketplace forum.

13. Before posting, please ask yourself: "Will this post help my fellow CAACs with the safety, understanding, utility or enjoyment of their airplane?" If you can answer "yes" to this, then please post. If not, then please reconsider your posting. Similarly, before replying, ask yourself: "Does my reply offer meaningful advice or contribute to the conversation significantly?" If you can answer "yes" to this, then please reply. If you cannot, refrain from replying.

14. Respect the privacy of fellow members. Certain personal information is available on the online member database. Do not post additional contact or other personal information without permission. This includes information gleaned from Internet searches or aviation tracking sites.

15. When discussing public figures, e.g., actors in our ecosystem (such as CFIs, vendors or air traffic controllers,) accord them the same respect as you would a fellow CAAC member.

Forum moderation

16. Forum software allows readers to flag offending posts through the "Report Post" facility. In order to report an offending post, simply click on the white triangle with the red border at the top right of each post. Moderators may remove the offending language or the post or the thread containing it, inform the originator of an offending post, ask the author to delete the post, or propose another conflict resolution approach.

17. Forum moderation performed by CAAC volunteers is largely dependent upon member notification, and cannot be considered definitive or consistent. Prior posts that have not been deleted cannot be assumed to be in conformance with CAAC policy, and do not establish a precedent with respect to any moderation issue.

18. Discussion of CAAC policy on moderation may take place on the forum. Reposting of material deleted or quarantined by moderators, or discussion of pending moderator action is not allowed.

19. Failure to comply with the guidelines, or a recurrent pattern of offenses may result in being banned from CAAC. Members removed as a result of this policy shall have their most recent annual dues payment refunded pro-rata.

20. If you feel that you are being attacked or harassed, avoid retaliating, use the "Report Post" feature and contact the webmaster.


This is the web site of Cessna Advanced Aircraft Club.

We can be reached via e-mail at

Use of your postal address, email address & phone number

CAAC does not share, sell, or rent its membership mailing list, email addresses, or telephone numbers. You agree to receive mailings from us with information on upcoming CAAC events, products and services. You will only receive telephone contact from us on issues related to your CAAC account or membership.

Information we collect

For each visitor to our Website, our Web server automatically recognizes some information regarding the domain or e-mail address. We collect the e-mail addresses and IP addresses of those who post or upload to our website, the content of those posts or uploads, the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, information volunteered by users such as survey information and/or site registrations, name and address, telephone number, payment information (e.g., credit card number and billing address). We use cookies to store user preferences and record session information. The information we collect is used to improve the content of our Website, shared with agents or contractors who assist in providing support for our internal operations, disclosed when legally required to do so, at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our Website and applicable laws or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our Website. We record and maintain your login ID and password, transaction information, and the contact information you provide (e.g., name, address, phone number, other personal information). You can access or correct this information by editing your user profile. If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.
